Legal Notice pursuant to § 5 ECG and Disclosure pursuant to § 25 Mediengesetz:
ZVR (Central Register of Associations):
Business Purpose:
Regulating Authority:
General focus:
Online Dispute Resolution pursuant to Art. 14 Abs. 1 ODR-VO:
Nangten Menlang International - Verein zur Förderung tibetischer Medizin und buddhistischer Philosophie
Grosse Pfarrgasse 3/3
Grosse Pfarrgasse 3/3
1020 Vienna
Austria, Europe
Tel./Fax: +43 1 212 7000
ZVR (Central Register of Associations):
Business Purpose:
Promotion of Tibetan Medicine and Buddhist Philosophy
Regulating Authority:
Landespolizeidirektion Wien, Referat Vereins-, Versammlungs- und Medienrechtsangelegenheiten
Kathrin Jany
General focus:
Promotion of Tibetan Medicine and Buddhist Philosophy
Online Dispute Resolution pursuant to Art. 14 Abs. 1 ODR-VO:
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR), accessible under You can also contact the above-mentioned e-mail address for any complaints.
Alternative Dispute Settlement Act:
Alternative Dispute Settlement Act:
The association is covered by the alternative dispute resolution bodies “Online Dispute Resolution” ( and „Internetombudsmann“ ( If the contractual partner is a consumer, he has the option of using an impartial arbitration board to settle disputes out of court on the platforms mentioned.
At the Inner Fire School, our goal is to preserve the ancient wisdom and knowledge of Tantrayana by sharing it. In our online school we want to support you by offering methods, techniques and teachings of Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche that connect you with your innate happiness and contribute to a healthier life.
Tibetan Wisdom School
von artofhimalaya gmbh
Große Pfarrgasse 3/3
von artofhimalaya gmbh
Große Pfarrgasse 3/3
1020 Wien
+43 1 212 7000
Copyright © 2025 Nangten Menlang International. All rights reserved.